Why... Why... Why?
This blog is dedicated to documenting error resolution and other tidbits that I discover while working as a Consultant in the Oracle EPM (Hyperion) field. As much of my job revolves around issue resolution, I see an opportunity to supplement the typical troubleshooting avenues such as the Oracle Knowledgebase and Oracle Forums with more pinpointed information about specific errors as they are encountered. Beware, the information found in this blog is for informational purposes only and comes without any warranty or guarantee of accuracy.

EPMVirt: Create your own Oracle Hyperion Virtual Environment:

Monday, November 30, 2015

Time to Upgrade EPM?

It might be time for an upgrade for slightly older EPM releases. Below is the timeline for backwards support for fixes on the EPM platform. To sum up the table, the and versions are already sunsetted for patches. Additionally, the version will no longer be supporting new patches and fixes as of February 2016. Given that typically not much work is completed near the end of year, it may come as a surprise in February. It is also possible that Oracle releases a patch greater than .700 which may extend the window for At the very least, the table indicates that it is necessary to move rather quickly and frequently on the patch releases to keep up to date.

Oracle's official statement is:
PLEASE NOTE: When the grace period end date has been reached, no additional fixes will be developed.  The grace period is defined as the period of time following the release of a new patch set or patch set update during which Oracle will create new fixes for both the new and previous patch set or patch set update, allowing customers time to plan for and install the new version. 
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 11g Grace Periods for Error Correction (Doc ID 1590676.1)

Note: The info is subject to change.