Why... Why... Why?
This blog is dedicated to documenting error resolution and other tidbits that I discover while working as a Consultant in the Oracle EPM (Hyperion) field. As much of my job revolves around issue resolution, I see an opportunity to supplement the typical troubleshooting avenues such as the Oracle Knowledgebase and Oracle Forums with more pinpointed information about specific errors as they are encountered. Beware, the information found in this blog is for informational purposes only and comes without any warranty or guarantee of accuracy.

EPMVirt: Create your own Oracle Hyperion Virtual Environment:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Basic WebLogic Tuning in EPM

Part of the EPM Infrastucture Tuning Guide is a section on WebLogic tuning. The guide can be found here, https://blogs.oracle.com/pa/resource/Oracle_EPM_11_1_2_3_Tuning_Guide_v2.pdf 

These steps are recommended, and will be required because any time you create an SR with Oracle they will ask, "Did you apply the recommended tuning guidelines?" Responding no to this question usually results in an impasse and failure to complete the SR.

The basic WebLogic Tuning steps are:
1. Increase number of threads in connection pool
2. Tune connection backlog buffering
3. Stuck thread detection behavior tuning
4. Enable Native IO Performance pack.

Analyzing this a bit, steps 2 and 4 are already configured by default in 10.3.x. Consequently, they can be ignored.

The tuning guide shows how to somewhat tediously go and set the database connection pool settings and stuck threads using some screenshots. However, a scripted approach might be better to apply the settings in multiple environments, and ensure uniformity over time. A quick WLST script is below to do this. Keep in mind the tuning settings are just suggested values. For instance, stuck thread time is more an indicator of how long your longest acceptable web transaction might be, which is customer specific. In the script below EAS is configured with a different thread value than the rest of the managed servers, as an example.

Important Note: Once the connection pool is increased, you may also need to increase the number of available connections the database allows. For example, you may want to increase the number of processes in the Oracle Database.

File: TuneWL.py

servers = cmo.getServers()
for server in servers:
  print 'Tuning Cluster: '+ name
  cd('/Servers/' + name)   
  t_time = 1200
  if "Essbase" in name:
    t_time = 2400
    print "Setting EAS thread time to " + str(t_time)

# JDBC connection pool

dsName = 'calc_datasource'cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+dsName+'/JDBCResource/'+dsName+'/JDBCConnectionPoolParams/'+dsName)cmo.setMaxCapacity(30)

dsName = 'eas_datasource'cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+dsName+'/JDBCResource/'+dsName+'/JDBCConnectionPoolParams/'+dsName)cmo.setMaxCapacity(30)

dsName = 'EPMSystemRegistry'cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+dsName+'/JDBCResource/'+dsName+'/JDBCConnectionPoolParams/'+dsName)cmo.setMaxCapacity(150)

dsName = 'planning_datasource'cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+dsName+'/JDBCResource/'+dsName+'/JDBCConnectionPoolParams/'+dsName)cmo.setMaxCapacity(150)

dsName = 'raframework_datasource'cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+dsName+'/JDBCResource/'+dsName+'/JDBCConnectionPoolParams/'+dsName)cmo.setMaxCapacity(150)


C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\EPMSystem>java weblogic.WLST TuneWL.py

Starting an edit session ...
Started edit session, please be sure to save and actictivate changes once you are done.

Tuning Cluster: FoundationServices0
Tuning Cluster: EssbaseAdminServices0
Setting EAS thread time to 2400
Tuning Cluster: EpmaDataSync0


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Windows service restart in action...

A while back I wrote a post on automatic service restarts using Windows:

I recently had the opportunity to watch one of the Windows automatic service restarts happen in a real production scenario. Complete with pagers firing, alerts going off, and, at the end of it, a completely automatic service restart. This type of event is somewhat hard to trigger for testing, so it was nice to see it work as expected.

The event looked like this in Windows Event Viewer:

By the time I got logged in and was looking into the log file I noticed WebLogic starting back up. Ultimately, no action was required. I never did find any error in the logs. However, there were some odd access log entries relating to a security scan and I think this ultimately caused EAS to crash.