Why... Why... Why?
This blog is dedicated to documenting error resolution and other tidbits that I discover while working as a Consultant in the Oracle EPM (Hyperion) field. As much of my job revolves around issue resolution, I see an opportunity to supplement the typical troubleshooting avenues such as the Oracle Knowledgebase and Oracle Forums with more pinpointed information about specific errors as they are encountered. Beware, the information found in this blog is for informational purposes only and comes without any warranty or guarantee of accuracy.

EPMVirt: Create your own Oracle Hyperion Virtual Environment:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Deleting an EPMA HFM Application not Listed in the Application Library

Problem: The HFM EPMA application does not show up in EPMA application library in Workspace, yet it is listed in the list of HFM applications. The intention is to delete the rogue application because it is partially deployed and not used. Trying to delete the application from HFM gives a message saying "This application is not registered in Shared Services". The next logical step is to try and register the HFM application in Shared Services, however registration fails with the error:

This is a BPMA application. The functionality must be done through BPMA.
Show Details:
Error Reference Number: {F79F0798-39B7-4565-91A3-3E929F9F16FD}

Since the application is not listed in the EPMA application library, it is not possible to re-register the application. Here's a trick to enable the registration with Shared Services in order to delete the application from HFM:

Open the HFM relational database, Each application has it's own set of tables.
Look for the APP_NAME_PROPERTIES table,

Change HFM APPMODE property from EPMA to HFM in the table. Be sure to commit any changes.

This flips the application back to a normal HFM application. Next, open Workspace Classic Application Administration and register the application.

Finally, in Shared Serivces provision yourself as administrator to the HFM application and delete the application from HFM.

1 comment:

  1. Although messing around with the HFM database is generally discouraged I think this looks like the easieast method to get rid of an EPMA based HFM application that's got orphaned. I just wanted to point out that the table name where the APPMODE property is stored is actually [APPNAME]_PARAMETERS, not _PROPERTIES.

    Keep up the good work,
