Why... Why... Why?
This blog is dedicated to documenting error resolution and other tidbits that I discover while working as a Consultant in the Oracle EPM (Hyperion) field. As much of my job revolves around issue resolution, I see an opportunity to supplement the typical troubleshooting avenues such as the Oracle Knowledgebase and Oracle Forums with more pinpointed information about specific errors as they are encountered. Beware, the information found in this blog is for informational purposes only and comes without any warranty or guarantee of accuracy.

EPMVirt: Create your own Oracle Hyperion Virtual Environment:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Hyperion Config Tool list of database connections.

Here is a little insight into the list of database connections listed in the config tool. This much detail is not necessary in most cases, but it is good to have an understanding of how the information is stored. Also, this same information is stored in the Shared Services Registry, which provides a GUI to manipulate this information.

The list of databases available is stored in the Shared Services relational database, under the HSS_COMPONENT table. This table contains pretty much all the relationships in Shared Services including all the product metadata, so it is necessary to be more specific. To list only the database connections, limit the query use component_type_id 7.
    Select * from HSS_COMPONENT where COMPONENT_TYPE_ID=7;

This shows the list of database connections that are a 1 to 1 match with the config tool database connections above. To get more details regarding the database connections simply query the relational tables associated with the component_id:

select hss_component.component_name, hss_component_property_values.* FROM
    HSS_COMPONENT.component_type_id = 7 AND
    HSS_COMPONENT.component_id = hss_component_property_values.component_id;

This lists all the component properties of the database connections.

Here it is possible to view and manipulate any database related information directly from the underlying database connection. This is the same information that is stored in the Shared Services Registry which provides a GUI for manipulating this information.

This information can provide useful clues to help debug registry related errors and might be useful as an aid in manipulating database passwords providing the config tool is failing.

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