The installation is performed using a simple response file:
which contains:
/u0/install/epm/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/silentInstall.xml
Response files for the install tool are pretty simple. They just contain what products to install. To generate a response file simply go to the last page of the EPM installer after selecting the products and you sill see a Save button for saving the contents to a file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Product name="foundation">
<ProductComponent name="foundationServices">
<ProductComponent name="Calc">
<Product name="essbase">
<Product name="reportingAndAnalysis">
<ProductComponent name="raFramework">
<ProductComponent name="fr">
<Product name="planning">
<Product name="disclosure">
<Product name="hfm">
<Product name="erpi">
<Product name="profitability">
After the installer is run, the Config tool is also run using response files. My preference when running the config tool is to run through the Config for each product separately. Consequently, I have saved response files for each product and run through them separately.
The basic flow of the file is:#!/bin/bashecho "Status of database is...."source ~/HYPDB.envsqlplus EPM_HSS/PWD < /dev/nullecho "Fixing HFM scripts..."cp /u0/automation/epm/boost_libs/ /u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/products/FinancialManagement/Server/cp /u0/automation/epm/boost_libs/odbc.ini /u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/ODBC-64/Merant/7.1/odbc.iniecho "Configuring..."/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_Foundation.xml/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_CalcMgr.xml/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_FDMEE.xml/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_Essbase.xml/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_EssbaseStudio.xml/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_HFM.xml/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_Plan.xml/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_Profit.xml/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_RA.xml/u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/config/ -silent /u0/automation/epm/EPMconfig_ReconfigWeb.xml
- Check that the database is running by trying to connect using SQLPlus
- Run some customizations needed to get HFM running on Oracle Linux
- Run the typical EPM configurations
- Reconfigure the web server so it knows about all the products we've installed.
- LCM Import some Financial Reports for HFM and Planning
- LCM Import the HFM-COMMA4DIM demo app
The automation is stored under /u0/automation/apps
I would like to mention again that this is just a test environment and the scripts and methods seen here are not meant for production. In addition, some of this requires crude, behind the scenes manipulations that I will leave to more advanced readers to take up on their own if interested.
The script which creates the sample applications is /u0/automation/apps/
The basic idea of the script is to:
- Do some post install tuning for HFM. The default HFM memory settings are much to high to run on a small VM environment.
- LCM Import the Planning Sample Application
- Perform a planning refresh to Essbase
- Load the sample data for the Planning app into Essbase
- Calculate the Essbase cube to roll up the data
Full contents of the script are below:
echo "Post install steps for HFM..."
rm -rf /tmp/lcm 2> /dev/null
unzip /u0/automation/apps/ -d /tmp/lcm
perl -p -i -e "s/name=\"\"/name=\"admin\"/" /tmp/lcm/HP-*/Import.xml
perl -p -i -e "s/password=\"\"/password=\"password\"/" /tmp/lcm/HP-*/Import.xml
/u0/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1/bin/ /tmp/lcm/HP-*/Import.xml
echo Planning Database Cube Refresh
echo password > /tmp/password
/u0/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1/Planning/planning1/ /A:PLANDEMO /U:admin /C /D /FSV /L < /tmp/password
echo Unzip the Planning Data
rm -rf /tmp/sampapp 2> /dev/null
unzip /u0/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/products/Planning/bin/sampleapp/ -d /tmp/sampapp
echo Load Data and Calc Planning Cube
/u0/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/bin/ /u0/automation/apps/loadPlanData.maxl
echo LCM Import for Reporting and Analysis
rm -rf /tmp/lcm 2> /dev/null
unzip /u0/automation/apps/ -d /tmp/lcm
perl -p -i -e "s/name=\"\"/name=\"admin\"/" /tmp/lcm/Import.xml
perl -p -i -e "s/password=\"\"/password=\"password\"/" /tmp/lcm/Import.xml
/u0/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1/bin/ /tmp/lcm/Import.xml
echo LCM Import Part 1 for HFM
rm -rf /tmp/lcm 2> /dev/null
unzip /u0/automation/apps/ -d /tmp/lcm
cp /u0/automation/apps/ImportHFM1.xml /tmp/lcm
perl -p -i -e "s/name=\"\"/name=\"admin\"/" /tmp/lcm/ImportHFM1.xml
perl -p -i -e "s/password=\"\"/password=\"password\"/" /tmp/lcm/ImportHFM1.xml
/u0/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1/bin/ /tmp/lcm/ImportHFM1.xml
echo Ignore errors on import above ^^^
echo LCM Import Part 2 for HFM
perl -p -i -e "s/name=\"\"/name=\"admin\"/" /tmp/lcm/Import.xml
perl -p -i -e "s/password=\"\"/password=\"password\"/" /tmp/lcm/Import.xml
perl -p -i -e 's/^.*Application Snapshot.*$//' /tmp/lcm/Import.xml
/u0/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1/bin/ /tmp/lcm/Import.xml
Sample HFM Tuning SQL script for demo app:
update EPM_HFM.XFM_PARAMETERS set VALUE=500 where parametername = 'MaxDataCacheSizeInMB';
update EPM_HFM.XFM_PARAMETERS set VALUE=1 where parametername = 'MaxNumConcurrentConsolidations';
update EPM_HFM.XFM_PARAMETERS set VALUE=100 where parametername = 'MaxNumCubesInRAM';
update EPM_HFM.XFM_PARAMETERS set VALUE=10000 where parametername = 'MaxNumDataRecordsInRAM';
update EPM_HFM.XFM_PARAMETERS set VALUE=100 where parametername = 'MinDataCacheSizeInMB';
update EPM_HFM.XFM_PARAMETERS set VALUE=1 where parametername = 'NumConsolidationThreads';
update EPM_HFM.XFM_PARAMETERS set VALUE=1 where parametername = 'NumThreadsToUseWhenUpdatingCalcStatusSystemWasChanged';
update EPM_HFM.XFM_PARAMETERS set VALUE=1 where parametername = 'NumEAThreads';
update EPM_HFM.XFM_PARAMETERS set VALUE=180 where parametername = 'SQLCommandTimeout';
login admin password;
import database PLANDEMO.Consol data from data_file "/tmp/sampapp/SampleApp_data.txt" on error abort;
execute calculation default on PLANDEMO.Consol;
This concludes the discussion on "A Look Inside EPMVirt". It seems like a fairly simple task to put together an auto-installing EPM Demo environment, but as you can see, there are a number of automation scripts required. It boils down to automating the OS Install, Database, and EPM environment, then bundling into a handy EPMVirt RPM.
Hello Nicholas! This is pure gold! I wish you will have automated scripts for windows environments. Awesome job!!!