Why... Why... Why?
This blog is dedicated to documenting error resolution and other tidbits that I discover while working as a Consultant in the Oracle EPM (Hyperion) field. As much of my job revolves around issue resolution, I see an opportunity to supplement the typical troubleshooting avenues such as the Oracle Knowledgebase and Oracle Forums with more pinpointed information about specific errors as they are encountered. Beware, the information found in this blog is for informational purposes only and comes without any warranty or guarantee of accuracy.

EPMVirt: Create your own Oracle Hyperion Virtual Environment:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Error Deploying Applications in Config Tool

When trying to deploy to application server, config tool crashes with "An unexpected error occurred and the application will have to shut down. Review the error log, correct the error condition and re-launch the application."

Inline image 1

The first thing to check is the config tool log. Digging into the log reveals,
[SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard] trace: Unexpected error:[[
at com.hyperion.hit.tool.deploy.utils.UIPortUtil.resetData(UIPortUtil.java:183)
at com.hyperion.hit.tool.deploy.utils.UIPortUtil.<init>(UIPortUtil.java:65)
at com.hyperion.hit.tool.deploy.utils.UIPortUtil.getInstance(UIPortUtil.java:48)
at com.hyperion.config.wizard.DeploymentField.getAppServerDeploymentData(DeploymentField.java:309)
at com.hyperion.config.wizard.DeploymentField.<init>(DeploymentField.java:70)
at com.hyperion.config.wizard.impl.DeploymentForm.<init>(DeploymentForm.java:57)
at com.hyperion.config.wizard.impl.DeploymentState.initializeBeforeShowOnNext(DeploymentState.java:58)
at com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard$NextClass.run(Wizard.java:551)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

Upon further investigation - this logic is basically trying to enumerate the logical web applications for each host. While iterating through the logical web applications, the config tool encounters a null value and crashes. The logical web applications are found in the Shared Services Registry. So I ran the registry-cleanup utility,

NOTE: The registry-cleanup utility has a high probability of corrupting your environment. Take a database backup of your Shared Services/Foundation schema before starting and be prepared to take downtime to restore the schema if required.
Essentially, the cleanup utility found some invalid entries to delete - so I removed them one at a time until the config tool worked again.

Launching the Hyperion Registry Cleanup Utility, please wait...
Enter the password for Shared Services Database :
Reading rules XML file: \Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\common\config\11.1.2.
Found 6 rules

Looking for components matching rule: Remove components without parent HOST node
Processing results for rule: Remove components without parent HOST node

Do you really want to delete WORKSPACE_WEBAPP(WORKSPACE_WEBAPP):808d62cd746781a0
S201b96e113e13916fd3S6ae7 component?
Y - Yes
A - Yes, for all components matching this rule
N - No, skip this component
S - No, skip this and all the next components matching this rule
I - Show full component info
Deleting: WORKSPACE_WEBAPP(WORKSPACE_WEBAPP):808d62cd746781a0S201b96e113e13916fd

This fixed the error in config tool.


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